Tideway Navigation
The Thames tideway is a great place to row but the currents caused by the tidal flow and the changes in the river's level due to the tidal height can make conditions challenging. The Port of London Authority (PLA) and Thames Regional Rowing Council (TRRC) have produced the Rowing Code: rules and guidance for navigating on our stretch of the tidal Thames, upstream of Putney.
The Rowing Code brings together practical guidance from experienced rowers, the recommendations of recent risk assessment and the requirements of local and international regulation. It provides useful guidance for rowers on tideway navigation, the rules of the waterway and helps rowers get the most out of their outings. The PLA also produces a map to accompany the Rowing Code.
Navigation rules for rowing boats on the river Thames are not consistent along its length. The current arrangement on the Tideway allows rowers to "work the slacks" to minimise some of the hazards of rowing on a fast flowing tidal river with bridges, moorings and sandbanks.
We have also produced a presentation including the basics of tideway navigation, the 'rules of the road' and detailed advice on crossing and turning points.
Navigational safety notices
The Port of London Authority is responsible for the management of navigational safety on the tidal River Thames between Teddington and the outer port limits. They publish Notices to Mariners which give essential, up to date information and advice to all river users from commercial shipping to recreational rowers. Subjects include new and updated rules and regulations for navigation, notification of works, and events which may impact on navigation (including river closures).