Club rules and guidance
The club's rules must be adhered to by members taking boats out on the water. The rules are set out in our Club Code of Conduct. This covers outing procedures (including risk assessment, water and weather conditions, checking the boat), use of the signing-out book, approved steerers and the times when members must obtain the captain's permission for boat use.
We also have a Safety Plan which contains guidance on emergency contacts, Tideway hazards, safety equipment, dealing with weather conditions and incident reporting. The club's rowing safety advisor is also very willing to provide guidance at any time. For contact details, please see the Who's Who page.
The club also gives a regular safety briefing which is a good summary of key information and contains links with where you should be looking for further information.
Steering boats
According to the club's steering policy, only members named on the club's approved steerers list may steer a boat unaccompanied. Non-approved steerers are permitted to steer to gain experience, provided they remain within audible distance of an approved steerer who has agreed to remain with them for the entire outing. Any club member can apply for approval as a steerer or supervisor.
Requesting club boats
Boats are reserved for use by the squads at the following times. If you want to request use of boats during these times, please ask the squad captains and inform the club captain. Outside of these times, you must ask the club captain before you take any club boat out.
Looking after club boats
Please observe the following guidance to ensure that our boats stay in good condition for as long as possible:
Wash the shells down after use.
Store boats with hatch covers open.
Point the gates inwards towards the shell when the boats are on the racks.
Guidance for setting out and landing
The diagrams below show the courses when setting off from, and landing at, the club pontoon for both incoming and outgoing tides. To avoid the risk of collision it is critical all steerers are familiar with, and adhere to, these courses. Note the diagrams do not mark the Dove Pier warning buoy which is a tall green buoy with a flashing green light atop it. It is situated just off, and downstream of, the club pontoon. It is there to remind everyone of the potential to be set upon Dove Pier, or the vessels moored to it, on an incoming tide.
Rowing before sunrise & after sunset
Coxless boats must stay in groups of at least two after sunset and before sunrise, unless exception is specifically granted by the captain. Boats may not be taken out after sunset outside regular squad sessions, without the permission of the captain, vice-captain or safety Advisor.
Lights must be displayed at night and also in restricted visibility such as fog, rain or snow. Sunrise and sunset times can be found on the BBC weather website, linked from the right-hand side of this page. However, if the street lights are on, then you need lights on the water! TRRC provide a guide to lights that must be displayed on rowing boats and coaching boats. The PLA also publishes a handy guide to lighting and other safety tips for rowing boats and canoes.